Tuesday 28 May 2013

5. Lady Blossom (Stunning Steve Austin Vs PN News - WCW World Televison Title)

Video: Stunning Steve Austin Vs PN News

This defence of Austin's WCW TV title against PN News is a 10-minute time limit match, where he is accompanied by the superior Lady Blossom - one of the premiere valets of the early 1990s, as she was to prove during this bout.

Blossom accuses PN of hair-pulling
After the announcements and ringwalks, Blossom demurely retires ringside, allowing the match to start. As PN News attempts to get the crowd clapping in his support, the valet dismissively shakes her head at the opponent's tactics. At 2:40 in, Austin then falsely accuses PN of pulling his hair during a clinch, to which Lady Blossom lends her support in chastising the referee. Jim Ross then commends the pair on their tactics in  playing mindgames with both the referee and Austin's opponent.

A pointed warning to News
As the match continues, News gradually acquires the upper hand, with Austin escaping from the ring at 6:20 in an effort to get some respite. PN then engages verbally with Lady Blossom ringside, to which the valet points a finger of warning to the challenger (left). At 6:40 in, as News re-enters the ring in close proximity to Lady Blossom, the valet appears tempted to attack but instead retreats to wait for a better opportunity.

Lady Blossom waits for her chance
Blossom senses the opportunity.....
After more in-ring action, a dropkick from PN News at 7:13 sends Austin ringside once again. News then climbs out of the ring himself to chase Austin, giving the champion's valet the chance she has been waiting for.  As the two wrestlers walk round the ring, Austin moves past Blossom and is shortly followed by News, who commits the cardinal error of turning his back on the dangerous valet (right). Spotting the opportunity, and with Austin diverting the attention of the referee, she launches a vicious nail-rake from behind to the face of the challenger at 7:33, leaving News dazed and vulnerable.
....and attacks News with the referee's back turned
With Austin now in charge thanks to his valet's intervention, the ten-minute limit slowly counts down, bringing a final assault from News. After leaving Austin on the canvas, PN flies off the top turnbuckle onto the champion in an attempt to clinch the win, but again he fails to consider the champion's valet. Lady Blossom can be seen climbing the steps onto the ring as News is climbing the turnbuckle, so that she is ready to pounce at 9:55 as her man is pinned. Jumping once again onto the back of Austin's opponent to choke and scratch the face of PN leaves the referee with no option but to disqualify Austin, allowing him to retain his title given that the DQ means the champ keeps the belt.

A second Blossom attack, prompting the DQ call
News then unwisely throws Lady Blossom onto the canvas, before she is rescued by Austin and they escape the ring with Austin's title intact.

A ruthless and calculated performance, Lady Blossom displayed many of the skills required to be a successful valet. She showed an ability to influence the referee, verbally attack Austin's opponent, and then launch not one but two significant assaults on News to ensure her man kept the belt. Taking advantage of News's naivety, she chose her moment carefully to get involved while the referee's back was turned, and pre-empted the challenger's top-turnbuckle move so that she could act quickly in saving her man. A textbook performance from a talented, ruthless valet.

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